Homas & Poojas

Ganapathy Homam

The devotee who performs Ganapati Homam will get rid of all the problems and obstacles on their way towards success. It is very essential to perform this havan with great faith in God and the successful completion of this homam will eradicate all the personal as well as professional problems in your life.

Navagraha Homam

Navgrah Puja is performed to worship the 9 graha or planets, it is conducted to pray for health, success, and prosperity. With the help of World of Devotion, you can now receive hygienically packed prasad and be virtually present for the puja at the comfort of your homes.

Maha-Lakshmi Homam

Maha Lakshmi has eight different forms and one of the forms, by the name of ‘Moksha Lakshmi’ makes way for spiritual liberation. The fire sacrifice pre-requires the selection of right hymns.

Vastu Shanti Homam

Vastu Shanti Puja is a spiritual and religious process to offer prayers to the Vastu Purush who is the Lord, protector and soul of the house and seek the blessings for positivity and prosperity.

Rudra Japam & Ayushya Homam

Ayusha is nothing but means age in Sanskrit and ayusha homam is performed by well learned purohits for a healthy long life and for removal of hindrances from life. Even this homam is done in the houses where a person has come out from a terminal illness.

Maha Chandi Yagam

The Chandi homam is offered to Goddess Durga and helps in clearing deterrents and obstacles in the path to success. Conducting the homa wins over enemies and also helps succeed in court cases. It is considered a crucial form of worship to the Universal Mother Durga.

Sathru Samhara Homam

" Shatru " signifies " Enemy" and " Samharam " is a sanskrit word which signifies " Destruction ". The destruction of our enemies is the fundamental goal of this homam. God Karthikeyan is the chief deity in this homam. Fame, Success, Money or Happiness are never said to be consistent.